id453An attribute of God and His loyal followers, sanctity is completely alien to atheists as well as this world, which is in continual decay due to original sin.
A creation which transgresses the will of its Creator and deprives itself of His grace, is alien to God’s nature and is unclean and unholy with respect to it, because life without God is destined to decay. Reclaiming the lost grace requires overcoming of sin, which is only possible through reunification with the holy nature of God and absolution through His sanctity. God calls us to become like Him not for His supernatural abilities, nor for performing great miracles or noble deeds, but for overcoming sin and sinful habits, thus repairing our fallen nature; in other words, for sanctity - “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy” [
Leviticus 19:2]. This path of absolution is salvation itself, but it is not possible to overcome it by relying solely on one’s strength. Our ascension to sanctity is based on God’s Divine Economy and is accomplished by the special grace of Holy Spirit. Hence, only those who partake through their faith in God’s Divine Economy and live their life in chastity are able to receive the special grace of Holy Spirit.