A nation stands strong and unshakable to the extent at which it remains faithful to its traditions and values as it cherishes and guards its heritage through generations. The chief among the many values is considered that which is holy in both literal as well as mystic terms. These values are guarded fervently as they unite nations; they are values that are appraised highly by its members, values such as language, family, motherland, without which a nation would lose its very identity. However, much above these we have a value that is truly sacred, which identifies the nature of every other value and shapes the nation, but, alas, is not always perceived as important.
The traditional cultural heritage of the Armenian people is mainly Christian, drenched with spiritual apperception emanating from Church fathers’ living knowledge of God. It, therefore, has universal value and should be an object of pride for any civilized Armenian. Unfortunately for most, this value only ends up being a source of boastful vanity, failing to accomplish its key objective of renewing the soul of its beneficiary. Without that the entire sacred heritage is deprived of its life-giving strength and is subject to hostile and ambitious manipulations.
Such was the atheistic re-examination of Armenian cultural heritage conducted in Soviet Armenia, which, to this day, left a negative imprint on the Armenian mind and is in dire need of reassessment.
In today’s independence and globalization the inflow of foreign influence is not the least of the dangers, because it entrenches an unholy system of values, oftentimes not appealing to the mind but making inroads through blind passions, kick-starting a process of disintegration instead of unification, dealing a fatal blow and enforcing a tradition characteristic to the end times.
Will the nation be able to resist this new unholy tradition, remaining or returning as the true heir of the Holy Church and the carrier of its sanctifying values? Will it be able to reclaim its former God-inspired and unitheistic path to sanctity and restoration?
New Testament’s answer to this question does not inspire – “wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” [Matthew 7:13-14]. Nonetheless, it is hard to come to terms with the prospect of spiritual death of many fellow countrymen. No true Christian can help but dream of seeing their dear brethren not on the path of sin and perdition, but of sanctity and salvation.
The mission of Sacred Heritage web site is to promote this critical initiative as counterbalance to the distorting and corrupting influences of this world by re-introducing a sacred legacy of spiritual renewal.